mercredi 29 mai 2013

No new narrative voices going forward

The sky was defined as per custom as having a more or less static chroma which could here be described as rotten-endive-colored while the car was advancing northward on the near-empty highway just short of the state-established speed limit.

- What I like is that she's religious is what I think I like the most, he said, but not in a Jesus' my savior nor in a I'm saving myself for marriage and let's go to church twice a week holding hands kind of way, which I would find absolutely revulsing is the exact word he used, but in a more subtle and intimate way as in she's so certain without a shadow of doubt of the existence of a supreme being and of the deathlessness of her soul that she's able to go through life with a certain kind of assurance only people who got no fear whatsoever have. She'll wake up and say a prayer and go to sleep and say a prayer as well and whenever she hears of anyone's passing be it on TV or anywhere really she'll make a little cross sign with her right hand to wish a safe journey to their soul which is by the way astonishingly cute and all of that is done without so much as an afterthought and so natural and deeply inrooted in her belief system that it got him thinking he said that there might actually be no difference at all between her and someone who's actually immortal, his reasoning being that if you 100% believe something to be true then in the confines of your own subjective reality which is the only reality that actually matters because it is the only one you'll ever be able to experience that thing is true until you are proven wrong, and if you posit that small a only the death of your consciousness can prove you wrong with regards to the absolute belief that your consciousness is immortal and that small b having some sort of consciousness is a necessary prerequisite to being proven wrong, then if you are truly convinced of the immortality of your consciousness, for all intents and purposes your consciousness is actually immortal for the whole duration of your conscious experience because there is no way anyone could ever prove you wrong. But then what he likes the most he says is how massively it turns him on, dating and being in bed with and fucking what amounts to an actual goddess of sorts, a deathless being, how powerful and fearless it makes him feel and such.

Unknown quantities of what was assumed to be H2O by the car's occupants started splashing on the car's body, and if you'd asked any of them they would have described said quantities based on the sound produced as clearly increasing over time.

— It's akin to the parable of the man who dies and the story doesn't tell how he dies but we are to assume he still maintains complete mastery over all his cognitive functions and he finds himself in some kind of limbo where sits a God-like entity or a kind of St Peter figure who breaks the news to him that he's going to be reincarnated and on top of that as a sort of icing on the cosmic cake he gets to choose what he's going to be reincarnated into. The story doesn't tell if the exact rules stipulate that he can be very specific as in choose to be reincarnated in e.g the unborn son of his own daughter or on the other hand if he can pick something more metaphysical and/or vague and ask to be reincarnated in God or in the universe itself but we are to assume that the entity really meant what kind of terrestrial living being would you like to be reincarnated into sir, or at least that it's how the man understood it and maybe it's a possibility as well that he's not really enclined to try and play games with the entity anyway. So the man is first of all delighted that such a thing as reincarnation even exists and that he's given a second chance and he has no reason to assume it won't be going on ad infinitum which de facto means he's never ever going to actually die and what a huge relief it is and he starts to think real hard about his life and how difficult it was to be a man with all the social stigma and everything that was expected of him and all the hard work he had to perform just to survive and to provide for his family, and the more he thinks the more he realizes that he was not a very happy man and that it's probably quite challenging to say the least for a human being to maintain an overall acceptable level of happiness. So the man turns to the entity and says hey, I want to know what it's like to live a simple and carefree life, with not a worry in the world and nothing to do all day except run in the fields and eat grass, so I would be very pleased and thank you very much for the opportunity if I could be reincarnated as a horse. At that point we can imagine a sort of is it your final answer scene like in the game show to which the man answers positively with much enthusiasm because he made up his mind and is looking forward a great deal to his upcoming life as a horse and the entity compliments him on his excellent choice and tells him that mostly everyone who comes here makes a choice similar to his and he (the man) starts to feel his fingers stick together and retract and his hands taking the shape of hoofs and his arms growing longer and becoming entierely covered in thick brown hair and he's overwhelmed by a deep sense of calmness and inner peace with at the same time an increasing urge to stand on all fours and gallop and eat grass but after some amount of time it dawns on him that what if him as a horse during the next limbo-like episode at the end of his upcoming equine existence and with no rememberance of his penultimate life as a homo erectus when confronted to the same reincarnation dilemma were to arrive to similar conclusions about the hardships of its freshly terminated life and choose to be reincarnated into e.g a rooster and then the rooster himself choosing to be reincarnated into an earthworm or some other increasingly simple lifeform and so on and so forth which would result in the man's soul effectively becoming stuck in a downward metempsychotic journey w/r/t quantitative cognitive functionality, with that very moment of him as a man with human-like intelligence being the absolute last time when he has an appropriate enough amount of reflexive capabilities to understand and comprehend with sheer horror the consequences of the choice he just made. So he starts to panic and wants to go back on his choice and tries to scream at the top of his lungs but the only sound he can hear is a sort of blwlwlwlwlw or what kind of sound horses make. The end. What this is supposed to get us thinking about I guess is did the man actually make a good choice after all and could it be considered a reasonable choice even with prior knowledge of the little parable, or in other words wouldn't we all be a great deal happier if we weren't thinking about death or about anything really all the damn time.

From the car wherein the afortranscribed monologue's resulting sound waves issued, most open-eyed observers if themselves facing north could make out the outline of the tallest of the city's buildings. On a black message sign attached to the south-facing side of a highway bridge beneath which the car was about to pass, letters formed by an assemblage of bright red LEDs displayed the text THERE WILL BE NO NEW NARRATIVE VOICES GOING FORWARD.